And Now... Our Pilgrimage Gallery!!!

Here we are! Some of the pictures of this wonderful event, the Jubilee Pilgrimage, which they made and now we publish. Enjoy!(Click on the pics to enlarge)

Our arrival at S. Peter's

At the General Audience

Another view...

With His Holiness and His Excellence Archbishop Erwin Joseph.

At S. Matteo in Salerno

With His Excellence Bishop Di Marzio, from Newark, NJ, with whom we have the fortune to meet at the General Audience

With Don Secondo, in Brescia who, together with his parish, gave us a warm welcome as we arrived in Italy...

With Don Gino at his parish in Rome, which offered us hospitality as we stayed in the Eternal City.

Visiting Pompei

At the entrance of S. Peter's

Receiving the Apostolic Blessing

In Amalfi

Together with the Pope

In Brescia...

And there is place for many, many more...

 Many thanks and greetings to Don Gino, Pastor of the parish of Santa Maria alle sette ville in Rome, to Don Secondo at the parish of La Trinita` in Brescia, and to Don Giovanni D'Andrea at the Parish of Maria Santisima del Rosario de Pompei in Salerno, for their hospitality and help in this pilgrimage. May God Bless you all, and your parishioners!

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